Talking Supply Chain: The evolving retail fulfillment operation


“Customer first” has become the prevailing principle for supply chains. However, retailers now face unprecedented challenges in understanding their customers. Where are they shopping and why? What’s the best way to get our products in their hands?

These questions have driven the rise of omnichannel fulfillment operations. As more stores function as fulfillment centers, new demands are being placed on warehouses.



Akash Gupta, GreyOrange co-founder and CEO, discusses these shifts on the Talking Supply Chain podcast. He explores the evolution of physical retail and its impact on warehouse operations.

Unsurprisingly, data plays a crucial role, enhancing customer transparency and providing insights into shifting customer demands. This data is also helping companies strategically implement automation to support the expanding omnichannel fulfillment model.

Listen to the podcast to hear Gupta’s perspective on these developments, the future role of retail stores and emerging technologies that could revolutionize the industry.

Check out the podcast originally posted here.

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