Apotek Hjärtat Doubles Fulfillment Productivity with Superhero AMRs


When Sweden’s largest pharmacy chain, Apotek Hjärtat (Apotek), decided to take the next step in automating its ecommerce warehouse, they turned to GreyOrange to help automate the picking process.

To improve the customer experience through faster, smoother and more accurate deliveries, Apotek deployed goods-to-person automation and the GreyMatter Advanced WES.

The GreyOrange robotic automation solution has enabled Apotek to double the number of picks per hour, increase picking accuracy, and eliminate walking time for employees (thereby enabling them to focus on more high-value tasks). Apotek credits the solution’s scalability, innovation and team collaboration for the project’s success.

Watch the video to hear the story from Apotek’s CEO, Head of Supply Chain, Head of IT Logistics and Automation, and the operations team on the floor.

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